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Monday, September 20, 2010

Literally the Greatest Youtube video.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Part 6 in a series of Infinity.

I find that as these past few days roll by, my mind has ceased thriving in the tumultuous sac of chaos that it is used to. It has once again acclimatized itself to the quiet escapades of the few remaining rats. Those rascals.

Im not exactly sure how that has any effect on anything as my productivity and general spirit remains the same, it is just my perception of everything which has dimmed. Perhaps I no longer hear the silent clatter that once claimed my head space and perhaps it is now that I control the full reigns of chaos once again.

I should say that it is an interesting place to be. You almost miss the explosions and murder. The pure un-adulterated rape. Pillage and maim me MORE. SCAR MY SKIN.


Im an odd person I think.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My new favorite old band and video.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today was a day of sad epiphany.

I will not have in my possession, a full head of hair for the remainder of my days. I have already made a youtube video regarding this issue so a transposition of thought into this written word is the last remaining step. 

I should start off by saying that I am sad. Very, very, sad. My hair holds a special place in my heart and as I relinquish myself to this disease, I fear I shall lose not only follicles but a piece of my soul in the process.

Why must god do this to me? 

What could I have possibly done, be it in this or previous life, that could have incurred such unnecessary wrath? Was it when I stole candy from the store that one time? Or was it at some point prior to my birth that I pissed you off? Some ageless soul who's prank went horribly ary. Did I step on your toe god? Cause, I'm really sorry man. I swear. Just don't do this to me. Don't snatch my soft locks at the peak of my life. To do so is just downright mean.  

Come on god. Gimmie my hair back. Come on. 


Come on. 

FINE. If that is the sorry hand you are going to deal to me, then I shall play it. Just don't expect me to be all chipper about it you goddamn cock. 

It's not like I already hate bald people. Fucking losers. LOOK AT ME I HAVE A SHINY HEAD. 

I don't want to be one of those. 

I think Im going to be one of those really bitter bald men as I age. Always looking at the full heads of hair with disdain and anger. At least I won't have dandruff. 

PS: I wonder if i'll need to buy more sunscreen in the summer months?

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Thursday, September 2, 2010

I was roaring like a elephant today.

More specifically, an elephant with a broken jaw and no discernible trunk. Next shift I want to act like an angry  giraffe. Id assume the physical action would look something similar to an indian woman after a paticularly angry day.

*wag wag wag*


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